Below you will find links to many resources that will assist you and your family in discovery and education on topics about you, your transgender – gender non conforming child and your family relationships.
Education / Discrimination / Title IX Funding
5/14/2016 National Center for Transgender Equality: “Department of Education Affirms Critical Protections for Trans Students” Today, we have won one of the biggest victories of the transgender community ever. The federal government has made it more clear than ever: discrimination against transgender students in education is illegal. Finally, young trans students who are the most vulnerable to this unjustifiable discrimination are now being protected. In spite of states trying to pass discriminatory laws, the many local school boards and the vocal opponents to trans inclusive policies who wish to institute their own discriminatory policies, they now have THE LAW in their hands. They are being told with no ambiguity that discrimination against trans students who wish to use the facilities bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity will NOT be tolerated and is discrimination, otherwise federal Title IX funding can and will be with held!!
5/14/2016 U.S. Department of Education / Office of Safe and Healthy Students: “Examples of Policies and Emerging Practices for Supporting Transgender Students” Here you will find the PDF copy of the exact document being sent to every primary / secondary school in the country that is receiving Title IX Funding from the federal government. Empower yourself with this information to assist and protect transgender students if for instance a school board or outspoken parents wanting to discriminate against transgender students are trying to institute discriminatory policies against transgender students.
Supportive Families
Maryville University: “College Guide for LGBTQ Students” Finding the right school is important for every prospective student, but those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, or queer (LGBTQ) face further challenges when choosing a college. In addition to obstacles that all students face, like researching different majors and obtaining financial aid, students who are LGBTQ benefit from finding a school that is accepting of their identity and supportive of their unique needs.
Gender Spectrum: “Parenting and Family” Gender Spectrum.Org is an organization that helps parents to educate themselves on the subject of gender identity and how to best support their child who may be questioning their own gender identity or expressing they are “not” a boy or girl as they are being told they are. This is a valuable resource for parents who are looking for information on this subject to support their child in the family.
Family Acceptance Project: (San Francisco State University) A multi faceted organization that supports the family with LGBT youth in a variety of ways, whether through, research, well thought out educational literature for parents to read, family videos for the whole family to be involved in or training . The Supportive Families, Healthy Children educational literature below is an example of the fine work they do in support of LGBT families.
Supportive Families, Healthy Children: This is a study by the Family Acceptance Project (San Francisco State University) w/ recommendations for families with LGBT youth in their family. The study outlines the dangers of LGBT children who are punished, treated critically or ostracized from the family unit and the dangers to that child. It is very insightful at giving strategies and methods to support that child. A wonderful resource for any parent.
Camp Aranu’tiq: Aranu’tiq was founded in 2009 by Nick Teich, who dreamed of a safe & fun place for youth who felt like they might not fit in at other camps because of their gender and/or who wanted to be with others like them. We launched our first summer week in New England in 2010 with 41 campers. We now have our very own camp in New Hampshire! We have our flagship summer camps in NH & CA as well as leadership programs for older teens and weekend family camps, serving 400 campers over the course of one year.
Camp Aranu’tiq is a program of Harbor Camps. 
Safe Schools
National Center for Transgender Equality: Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students: Your Rights at School The NCTE has put together a very informative presentation on the national laws in regard to education (i.e. Title IX Law) which bans sex discrimination in schools and has been interpreted by the courts to also ban this discrimination towards transgender and gender non conforming students. It also advises where to go if your rights have been violated. Be sure to check out all of the hard work they have put in fighting for the transgender community and help them with a donation to the National Center for Transgender Equality
Illinois Safe Schools Alliance: The mission of the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance (the Alliance) is to promote safety, support and healthy development for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, in Illinois schools and communities, through advocacy, education, youth organizing and research.
Be sure to check out the ARROWS: CHARTING THE COARSE | QUARTERLY NEWSLETTER of the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance
Illinois Safe Schools Alliance Training: The Illinois Safe Schools Alliance is providing public, administration and teacher training on sexual orientation and gender identity topics across the state of Illinois, the Alliance’s “Safety for All” framework addresses sexual orientation and gender identity through a lens of safety and respect. Contact information to schedule training is located here.
Why Training is Necessary: An article taken from the Illinois Safe Schools Alliance quarterly newsletter; ARROWS: CHARTING THE COURSE Summer 2015 issue. It speaks to a survey of transgender and gender non conforming K-12 students and the staggering amount of harassment and abuse that students have faced while in school and the lack of some school districts to enforce the law and make it a part of the school policy.
Equality Illinois: “Safe Schools” Equality Illinois is an organization here in Illinois that has worked tirelessly to promote LGBT equality issues in our state. This is the link for their section on school related issues about discrimination, gender identity, bullying and more as it relates to the law and education in Illinois. Check out the work they do for the LGBT community and make a donation to Equality Illinois
Student Bullying: An article about student bullying and what concerned parents can do
Bullying Policy Pamphlet: This is an example of an online Anti-Bullying pamphlet used at a local school district
You Have The Right To Be Yourself: A colorful online LGBT youth magazine discusses the subject of student bullying. The article outlines the steps a student or their parents must take such as documenting the bullying events and the schools legal responsibilities once they have been alerted about the issue to stop the bullying. ACLU
Stop Bullying.Gov: Parents play a key role in preventing and responding to bullying. If you know or suspect that your child is being bullied or involved in bullying, there are several resources listed on this site that may help plus the LIFELINE listed below.
Crisis Phone Line – from Stop Bullying.Gov Website
Bullying can affect youth in many ways. They may lose sleep or feel sick. They may want to skip school. They may even be thinking about suicide. If your child is feeling hopeless or helpless or they know someone who is, please call the LIFELINE at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Trevor Project Lifeline: If you are a trans or gender-nonconforming LGBT youth (ages 24 and younger) and are considering suicide you can reach the Trevor Project Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386.
Trans Lifeline: If you are a trans or gender-nonconforming LGBT person considering suicide, Trans Lifeline can be reached at 877-565-8860.
Books on Bullying
Local Public Library Systems >Transgender Books link: The books listed below may be available and many more on various transgender topics of interest are available through your local library link here.
*NOTE- some books may not be available at all libraries, you may have to ask the librarian to get a copy for you if it is not available.
Bullied: What every parent, teacher and kid needs to know about ending the cycle of fear. Carrie Goldman (author) became an unexpected voice for the anti-bullying movement after her blog post about her daughter Katie’s bullying experience went viral and an online community of support generated international attention.
Sexual Harassment and Bullying: A guide to keeping kids safe and holding schools accountable
Local School Districts – Peoria Area: You Are Your Child’s Advocate – Get Involved – Be Involved in Your Child’s Future – Attend School Board Meetings – Talk With Your Child’s Teachers – Let Them Know Your Concerns – Let Your Voice be Heard!! You will find a listing of website links to many local schools and school districts here.
Peoria Proud: encourages and supports diversity and equality throughout the Peoria Metropolitan Area. The coalition seeks to unify the community as a whole, through advocacy, education and social outreach.
Gay Straight Alliance Network: find or form a Gay Straight Alliance student group at your school
You Have The Right To Be Yourself: Form a Gay Straight Alliance student group at your school!! This page of the youth magazine explains the steps necessary to form a group at your school…and your rights to form the group if the school puts up resistance or refuses to grant permission for the club. ACLU
Peoria PFLAG Chapter (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Meetings and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) people and also for families, allies and people who love and support them! Find your link above to contact them.
Peoria PFLAG Facebook Link
Bloomington / Normal PFLAG Chapter (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians And Gays):
Meetings and support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+) people and also for families, allies and people who love and support them! Find your link above to contact them.
Bloomington/Normal PFLAG Facebook Link
Resources That May Be of Interest
Talking to Family: “Talking to older adults about your child’s gender identity or transition can be some of the more difficult conversations parents of transgender children face.” An article from the HRC website
Illinois Safe Schools Alliance: Youth Organizing – From Youth Leadership Summits, to Day of Silence/Night of Noise activities, to Gay-Straight Alliance networks—young people are working together to ensure the safety of LGBTQ youth and their allies in Illinois schools and communities. For more information, please email Nat Duran (nat@illinoissafeschools.org), our Youth Organizer
Resources: Children & Youth: Topics of interest for children, youth and parents. From the HRC website
Resources: Campus & Young Adult: Topics of interest for college campus age and young adults.
From the HRC website
You Have The Right To Be Yourself: A colorful online LGBT youth magazine that presents topics of interest to youth such as the right to expect and receive equal treatment which is afforded to all students at school, bullying issues and what to do about them and much more. ACLU
Professional Transgender Resources
Peoria / Bloomington / Regional Professional Transgender Resources: You will find a listing of Peoria/Bloomington/Chicago area professional counseling/ medical providers here who are friendly to the transgender community.
Howard Brown Health Center – Chicago: Here is your link to the Howard Brown Health Center in Chicago. They offer comprehensive medical services to the LGBTQ community.
Local Public Library Systems >Transgender Books link: The books listed below may be available and many more on various transgender topics of interest are available through your local library link here.
*NOTE- some books may not be available at all libraries, you may have to ask the librarian to get a copy for you if it is not available.
Becoming Nichole: The Transformation of an American Family: “The inspiring true story of a transgender girl, her identical twin brother, and an ordinary American family’s extraordinary journey to understand, nurture, and celebrate the uniqueness in us all, from the Pulitzer Prize-winning science reporter for The Washington Post”.
Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen: “Seventeen-year-old Arin Andrews shares all the hilarious, painful, and poignant details of undergoing gender reassignment as a high school student in this winning teen memoir”
Life at School and in the Community: Strategies for coming out to ones friends, interacting with school personnel, and dealing with bullies. Advice is also given on how to organize groups such as gay-straight alliances.
Friendship, Dating and Relationships: Your relationship with yourself — The importance of friends — Getting ready to date — Dating — Dating pitfalls — When a relationship ends. Teens, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.
I Am Jazz!: Presents the story of a transgender child who traces her early awareness that she is a girl in spite of male anatomy and the acceptance she finds through a wise doctor who explains her natural transgender status.
Jacobs New Dress: Jacob loves playing dress-up, when he can be anything he wants to be. Some kids at school say he can’t wear “girl” clothes, but Jacob wants to wear a dress to school. Can he convince his parents to let him wear what he wants? This heartwarming story speaks to the unique challenges faced by boys who don’t identify with traditional gender roles.
Amazon Books
There are a great selection of transgender topic books listed below available from Amazon
The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals by Stephanie A. Brill(Author), Rachel Pepper
The Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens and Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity
Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children by Diane Ehrensaft
Helping Your Transgender Teen: A Guide for Parents by Irwin Krieger
GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Teens
by Kelly Huegel
Transitions of the Heart: Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children by Rachel Pepper
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl: by John Colapint
Childrens Books
My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis(Author), Suzanne DeSimone (Illustrator)
When Kayla Was Kyle by Amy Fabrikant (Author), Jennifer Levine (Illustrator)
Frontline Growing Up Trans – Just a generation ago, it was adults, not kids, who changed genders. But today, many children are transitioning, too — with new medical options, and at younger and younger ages. FRONTLINE takes viewers on an intimate and eye-opening journey inside the struggles and choices facing transgender kids and their families.