It certainly can be one of the most trying and stressful times in your life once you have decided it is time to tell family, friends and colleagues about the changes that are about to happen in you or your child’s life. You are not alone in this. Below you will find links to many resources that can assist you in this endeavor.
Understanding The Transgender Community: “Transgender people come from all walks of life. We are dads and moms, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. We are your coworkers, and your neighbors. We are 7-year-old children and 70-year-old grandparents. We are a diverse community, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as faith backgrounds.” A topic page from the HRC website
Understanding Transgender People FAQ: This is a great resource for trying to help a family member or friend understand what being transgender is….and isn’t. There is also an online pamphlet in PDF format that can be printed to give to someone. This resource is from the National Center for Transgender Equality
Coming Out: There is no one right or wrong way to come out. It’s a lifelong process of being ever more open and true with yourself and others — done in your own way and in your own time! This is a well written booklet on the issue and timing of coming out. HRC (Human Rights Campaign)
The Transgender Guidebook : Keys To A Successful Transition: Chapter Thirteen Allies and Challengers (available from Amazon)This Chapter of the book speaks about your “coming out” process and the different reactions you are likely to experience from people as they find out you are transgender. They suggest appropriate strategies for dealing with all of these different types of reactions you are likely to experience.
Local Public Library Systems: this page includes a link to Local Public Library Systems and a listing of books and other resources of potential interest that exist.
Talking to Family: “Talking to older adults about your child’s gender identity or transition can be some of the more difficult conversations parents of transgender children face. “ A topic page from the HRC website
Talking With Extended Family and Friends: “The more you learn to speak with confidence and pride about your child, the easier it will be for others to accept your child and your parenting. People look to you for their lead on how to respond or react to your child.” There is also a link in this section to some sample letters that parents/caregivers have sent to family members and friends to assist you in this communication. Topic taken from Gender Spectrum > Parenting and Family
Educating Family and Friends: “A comprehensive collection of research, resources, and stories to help any parent, family member, or guardian learn more about gender diversity.”Topic taken from Gender Spectrum > Parenting and Family
The Transgender Child: A Handbook For Families and Professionals: This book available from Amazon will give you great insight into your transgender child and many ways to support your child positively including Chapter 6 Disclosure: Whom to Tell, How, Why, When
Local Public Library Systems: this page includes a link to Local Public Library Systems and a listing of books and other resources of potential interest that exist.